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The path is relative to the root and must contain a trailing slash "/".

Robots.txt Generator

A Robots.txt Generator is a tool designed to help website owners create a robots.txt file, which instructs search engine crawlers on how to interact with their website.

Key Features:

  1. User-Agent Specific Rules: Allows creation of rules for different search engine bots (e.g., Googlebot, Bingbot).
  2. Crawl Directives: Enables setting up directives like AllowDisallow, and Crawl-delay to manage which parts of the site can be crawled.
  3. Sitemap Inclusion: Provides an option to include the path to the website’s sitemap for better indexing.
  4. Custom Rules: Offers flexibility to add custom directives for specific pages or directories.
  5. Syntax Validation: Ensures the generated robots.txt file is error-free and follows proper syntax.


  • Improved SEO: Helps in controlling which parts of the website are indexed, optimizing the site’s visibility in search results.
  • Crawl Budget Management: Efficiently manages search engine bots' crawl rate, ensuring they focus on important parts of the site.
  • Security: Prevents sensitive or low-value pages (like admin areas or duplicate content) from being indexed by search engines.
  • Ease of Use: Simplifies the process of creating a robots.txt file, even for those without technical expertise.
  • Compliance: Ensures the website adheres to best practices in search engine optimization and site management.

Using a Robots.txt Generator is essential for webmasters, SEO professionals, and website owners to effectively manage and control search engine crawling behavior, enhancing the site’s SEO performance and security.